January 17, 2025 | Jane O'Shea

Are you smarter than a child? These Jeopardy! questions for kids may humble you.

Brainy Bytes

Want to turn learning into an exciting game? These Jeopardy!-style questions will challenge young minds while keeping them entertained.

Brain Power

Question: This Black And White Striped Animal Is Native To Africa And Parts Of Asia. 

Answer: What is a zebra?

Zebras have distinctive stripes that help them blend in, making it tough for predators to focus on just one. Plus, every zebra's stripe pattern is totally unique, kind of like a human fingerprint.

Memorable Patient Experiences factsPixabay


Question: This Mammal's Loud Roar Earned It The Title "King Of The Jungle".

Answer: What is a lion?

Did you know that a male lion's roar may be heard up to five kilometers away? They are the only large cats that live in groups called prides, where the females hunt most of the time.

LionPixabay, Pexels

Question: With Eight Arms And High Intelligence, This Marine Creature Amazes Scientists.

Answer: What is an octopus?

Octopuses are considered the smartest invertebrates. This is because they are capable of solving puzzles and opening jars. They can also change color and squeeze through tiny spaces since they have no bones.

OctopusPia B, Pexels

Question: This Colorful Fish Became Famous Through Movies About A Clown-Like Character

Answer: What is a clownfish?

Clownfish live in a special partnership with sea anemones. They are protected by a special slime coating and swim through the anemone's stinging tentacles without getting hurt.

Classic Kids’ Movies FactsPexels


Question: Through Bioluminescence, This Insect Creates Its Own Light Show.

Answer: What is a firefly?

Fireflies create light through a chemical reaction in their bodies. They interestingly use their flashing lights to communicate with each other and find mates during summer evenings.

FirefliesSkyler Ewing, Pexels

Question: This Chinese Structure, Stretching For Miles, Protected Against Invasions.

Answer: What is the Great Wall of China?

The Great Wall of China is said to be over 13,000 miles long. It took more than 2,000 years to build. It's so large that it can even be seen from space satellites.

Great Wall Of China At Badaling, China, April 2004Dolly442, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons

Question: This Parisian Tower, Built For The 1889 World Fair, Became France's Icon.

Answer: What is the Eiffel Tower?

The Eiffel Tower grows taller in summer because metal expands in heat. It can grow up to 6 inches taller on hot days. Originally, it was only meant to stand for 20 years.

Eiffel TowerTommie Hansen, CC BY 2.0, Wikimedia Commons


Question: This Building Serves As The President's Home At 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Answer: What is the White House?

The White House has a total of 132 rooms and 35 bathrooms. It wasn't always white, by the way. It was painted white to cover burn marks after British soldiers set it on fire in 1814.

White HouseAd Meskens, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons

Question: This Longest River Flows Through Multiple African Countries.

Answer: What is the Nile River?

The Nile River is over 4,100 miles long and flows through 11 countries. The ancient Egyptians called it the source of all life because its annual flooding made the soil very fertile.

Nile River, UgandaRod Waddington, Wikimedia Commons

Question: This Tallest Mountain Stands Majestically In The Himalayas

Answer: What is Mount Everest? 

This huge mountain grows about 4 millimeters taller every year as India pushes against Asia. It is so high that its peak has about one-third of the oxygen found at sea level.

Mount EverestLuca Galuzzi, CC BY-SA 2.5, Wikimedia Commons


Question: This President Was Known For His Tall Stovepipe Hat And Led During The Civil War.

Answer: Who is Abraham Lincoln?

President Lincoln was the tallest president at 6 feet 4 inches. He kept important documents inside his tall hat and started the tradition of pardoning turkeys at Thanksgiving.

Abraham Lincoln (1809–1865)George Henry Story, Wikimedia CommonsQuestion: This Massive Northern Nation Is Earth's Largest Country By Land Area.

Answer: What is Russia?

Spanning 11 time zones, Russia covers more than one-eighth of Earth's inhabited land area. It stretches all the way from Europe to Asia.

Mount ElbrusJason Blue-Smith, CC BY-SA 2.0, Wikimedia Commons

Question: This Red-Colored Planet Is Our Closest Neighbor.

Answer: What is Mars?

Mars appears red because its surface is covered in rusty iron. Did you know? A day on Mars is only 37 minutes longer than a day on Earth.

MarsMadhav fallusion, CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons

Question: This Process Helps Plants Make Their Own Food Using Sunlight.

Answer: What is photosynthesis? 

During photosynthesis, plants make use of sunlight to give oxygen and glucose by converting carbon dioxide and water. This process gives us the oxygen we need to breathe.

PhotosynthesisMabelAmber, Pixabay


Question: The Human Heart Does This Vital Job.

Answer: What is pumping blood?

Your heart beats about 100,000 times a day to keep you alive. That's like pumping enough blood to fill three swimming pools in just one year.

Human HeartBryan Brandenburg, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons

Question: This Planet Has The Most Moons In Our Solar System.

Answer: What is Saturn?

Saturn has at least 146 moons. Its beautiful rings are made mostly of ice chunks and rock pieces; some are even as tiny as a grain of sand.

SaturnPixabayQuestion: This Galaxy Contains Our Solar System.

Answer: What is the Milky Way?

Our galaxy contains over 100 billion stars. While viewing from Earth, it looks like a milky band across the night sky, which is mainly how it got its name.

Milky Way GalaxyPlacidplace, Pixabay

Question: This Type Of Tree Sheds Its Bark In Strips.

Answer: What is a Birch tree?

Birch trees have paper-like bark that peels naturally. Native Americans used this bark to make canoes and write messages.

Birch TreeAleksandr Gorlov, Pexels


Question: This Weather Event Creates A Spinning Funnel Cloud

Answer: What is a tornado?

Tornadoes can literally spin faster than any other wind on Earth and can reach speeds over 300 miles per hour. They often sound like a train roaring past.

Creepy storiesPexels

Question: This Instrument Helps Scientists Predict Weather Changes.

Answer: What is a barometer? 

Barometers measure air pressure changes that help forecast weather. Lower pressure usually means rain is coming, while higher pressure suggests sunny weather.

BarometerMarwan Mohamad, CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons

Question: This Was The First Person To Walk On The Moon

Answer: Who is Neil Armstrong?

Armstrong took his historic first steps on July 20, 1969. He left his footprints on the moon, which will stay there for millions of years because there's no wind to blow them away.

Live TVWikimedia Commons


Question: This Is The Closest Star To Earth.

Answer: What is the Sun?

The Sun is so big that about a million Earths could fit inside it. It takes about eight minutes for light from the Sun to touch Earth, traveling at 186,000 miles per second.

Summer CrisisAlexas_Fotos, Pixabay

Question: With Powers From An Eight-Legged Friend, This Hero Protects The Big Apple.

Answer: Who is Spider-Man?

After a special spider bit him, Peter Parker gained amazing abilities such as wall-crawling and spider-sense. He used them to protect New York City.

Captain America FactsFlickr

Question: Living Under The Stairs At First, This Wizard Would Face A Dark Lord At Hogwarts.

Answer: Who is Harry Potter?

Harry Potter discovered his magical heritage on his 11th birthday. With this, he began his journey at Hogwarts while battling the evil wizard Voldemort.

Daniel Radcliffe wearing a black suitDavidDjJohnson, CC BY 3.0, Wikimedia Commons


Question: Her Icy Powers Once Froze An Entire Kingdom.

Answer: Who is Elsa?

Elsa, the Queen of Arendelle, was created with magical powers to make ice and snow. She learned to control them through her sister Anna's love.

Frozen II factsFrozen II (2019), Walt Disney Animation Studios


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